



“In the absence of Light, there is only Darkness.  And that is indeed something to see….”

































This Abstract Narrative Poem explains everything.

Each Couplet, Triplet, or Compound is represented my an image that appropriately creates a sensory perception of the cognitive perception. However, as I have done in the past, I break the bonds between sensory and cognitive alignment, and then take advantage of this destabilization to imprint on the viewer of my work precisely what I want them to think.  It is a very complex concept blending sociology, psychology, Philosophy, Quantum Physics and Evolution.  How else to bring this diversity of disciplines together than by painting mental pictures with words, and by creating communicative imagery.  The reason for the show is not to simply show abstract erotica, it is to confound the viewer to a point where they are desperate for answers to questions that may, or may not be answered IF they can follow the plot line.  The bottom line: powerful human emotions and interactions are required to create imagery with enough kinetic energy to force the viewer out of their doe-eyed, brain-dead viewing experience.  How do you do that: Morbid curiosity and voyeurism.  BUT, I won’t make it that easy……I am making it more like a train-wreck that is just barely out of site and people are straining to see it.  Or the couple in the apartment building across the street having sex on the couch but the curtains are ¾ shut so you think you know what you might be seeing, but if all you can see are feet, you will never know for sure.  But we as consumers are trained to instantly discern the difference between authentic and fake, like a Louis Vuitton handbag for $20 on the street corner.  If I create images that are not authentically derived, the consumer will see right through the thin veneer of “art with meaning”, and whether they are conscious of it or not, they will dismiss the images.  This is why Sexuality and eroticism plays such a big part in this show.  I can create that authentically, but I can’t exactly go out and start causing train wrecks.   I have no issue with mind vs. body, but many people have not thought about it enough.






























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